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Guess what I just found out???


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Just talked to a rep with Yawkey Way Store - the official Red Sox/Fenway Park Team Store. I asked them if they had locations inside the stadium - and she said yes. I asked if they sell Oriole hats or t-shirts and while she said probably not (the O's suck too much I guess! but that would support some O's fans who went to a game and did not see O's gear there), she said that they sell Yankee and visiting NL team memorabilia inside the Fenway Park when they are playing those teams.

Hear this again - the Red Sox sell Yankee stuff inside Fenway Park when they play the Yankees!

So - to answer those upset that the O's sell Yankee's gear inside Camden - EVERYONE does!

(Sorry - would have posted this in the other thread but it was closed and I thought this was pertinent info.)

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Just talked to a rep with Yawkey Way Store - the official Red Sox/Fenway Park Team Store. I asked them if they had locations inside the stadium - and she said yes. I asked if they sell Oriole hats or t-shirts and while she said probably not (the O's suck too much I guess!), she said that they sell Yankee and visiting NL team memorabilia inside the Fenway Park when they are playing those teams.

Hear this again - the Red Sox sell Yankee stuff inside Fenway Park when they play the Yankees!

So - to answer those upset that the O's sell Yankee's gear inside Camden - EVERYONE does!

(Sorry - would have posted this in the other thread but it was closed and I thought this was pertinent info.)

But the Yankees and Red Sox are much bigger rivals than the Orioles with either club! I...I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!!! :cussing:

Great reporting.

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You have way too much time on your hands if you've called the store and asked. I think you might be a little too worried about proving your point.

Well to be fair, if a single phone call can be used to prove wrong the point of someone on the Internet you never have and never will meet, shouldn't you do it? ;)

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You have way too much time on your hands if you've called the store and asked. I think you might be a little too worried about proving your point.

:) I would have had too much time on my hand if I would have spent several minutes arguing in that thread about the topic instead of picking up the phone and calling the Red Sox.

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You have way too much time on your hands if you've called the store and asked. I think you might be a little too worried about proving your point.

I disagree. A phone call to the store takes all of one minute. And there are certain posters on here that will NEVER take a backwards step, even if there is clear evidence right on front of them contradicting their claims. So to me, the OP gets positive reps, and I thank him for taking one entire minute out of his life to call the Yawkey Way Store to confirm this.


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Just talked to a rep with Yawkey Way Store - the official Red Sox/Fenway Park Team Store. I asked them if they had locations inside the stadium - and she said yes. I asked if they sell Oriole hats or t-shirts and while she said probably not (the O's suck too much I guess! but that would support some O's fans who went to a game and did not see O's gear there), she said that they sell Yankee and visiting NL team memorabilia inside the Fenway Park when they are playing those teams.

Hear this again - the Red Sox sell Yankee stuff inside Fenway Park when they play the Yankees!

So - to answer those upset that the O's sell Yankee's gear inside Camden - EVERYONE does!

(Sorry - would have posted this in the other thread but it was closed and I thought this was pertinent info.)

I don't care who does it...and I don't care it even makes sense to do it...I still don't like it.
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The Orioles are in very different circumstances than the Red Sox. The opposing fans never outnumber the home fans at Fenway (North). The Red Sox have no need for a "Protect this Yard" campaign. They'd be better off with a "Protect your Season Tickets by Paying for 10 Years in Advance" campaign.

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I've been to about half of the MLB stadiums and they all sell hats and shirts from the most popular teams (Sox, Yanks, Phillies, etc). Most usually have one dedicated team store that sells only memorabilia from the home team. Not sure what the fuss is here?

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